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EU-Media/EDUMEDIA 2006-2007
Comenius-EduMedia Awards 2006

On 22. of June 2006 the Comenius-EduMedia Awards and the Erasmus- EduMedia Awards were granted in the health resort centre of St. Stephan. The award event of the GPI, Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V., and the ESEC, European Society for Education and Communication e.V., was a meeting point for the international educational media branch.The GPI beinng a scientific society for multi media, educational technology and media didactics by means of the foundation Comenius-EduMedia Awards and Erasmus- EduMedia Awards promotes multimedia products as well as Euro-political educational media which are of a particular educational, contentual and design value. In 2006 these awards celebrated their 11th annual jublilee.

In 2006 the Comenius awards were granted in cooperation with the ESEC, European Society for Education and Communication e.V., in the form of the two traditional formats EduMedia and EuroMedia. The Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. granted the Comenius-EduMedia Awards and the European Society for Education and Communication e.V granted the Erasmus-EduMedia Awards.

This is why all the awards and honorary prizes did not go with a financial grant fort he winners. The value of the awards is based on the fact that the awarded projects receive international recognition. These awards are highly valued by experts, applicants and winners as a highly competent mediation between different projects and project groups.

The winners of the media contests were chosen by means of didactic and scientific evaluation in a neutral evaluation process.

In a two-tier award-granting process the decision on exemplary didactical multi media products was taken.

The decisions in the Erasmus- EduMedia Award for excellent Euro-cultural educational media were taken by an internationall staffed jury.

The Comenius-EduMedia Awards were granted for excellent IT-based educational media in all educational spheres, fields of application and educational fields which are accessible as CD-rom, DVD or in the net e.g. as a hybrid offer, as an author system as a network or a platform for education.

Erasmus- EduMedia Awards were granted for media programs, media products or media productions (electronic media, net media) who have Euroa as a topic concerning its goals, perspectives, problems and challenges.

The number of appications for the Comenius-EduMedia Awards and the Erasmus- EduMedia Awards has compared to the beginnings of the awarding process in 1995 been multiplied and become popular all over Europe. The participating countries in 2006 were Germany, Greece, Croatia, Moldavia, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czechia, Hungary, Cyprus.

169 Comenius-EduMedia-Awards and Erasmus-EuroMedia-Awards could be granted in 2006 on mulitmedia products concerning education and culture. The Comenius-EduMedia Seal, which attests the authors and publishers as well as their products an excellent didactic and media quality, was granted to 109 winners. The Comenius-EduMedia-Special Award could be granted five times and the Comenius-EduMedia Promotion Award could only be given to one winner. In 2006 the Comenius-EduMedia Medals for excellent multi media products which have become very popular with publishers and producers could be granted by the jury 29 times.

Erasmus-EuroMedia-Awards for Euro-political educational media could be given to institutions from 10 countries in 2006. The Erasmus-EuroMedia-Medals could be granted 8 times, the Erasmus-EuroMedia Seal 15 times and the Erasmus-EuroMedia Special Prize twice. The great response with which the media contests met in Europe underlines the importance which E-Learning and B-Education have been receiving in the various educational institutionss and for life-long learning. In 2006 the trend of an increase in interactive and mulit media learning systems could be discerned and as far as content was concerned, an expansion in multi media products for ethical, contemporary and Euro-cultural education could also be seen. The chairman of the board of the GPI and the 1. president of the ESEC, professor Dr: Dr. Gerhard E. Ortner and the chairman of the Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Bildung und Kommunikation e.V. and vice-president of the ESEC, professor Dr. Thomas A. Bauer, distributed the awards.


Exemplary multi media products for European values and goals from the countries participating in the Comenius Contest 2006 and which were awarded, are listed in the following:


AT, Austria

- DVD & accompanying brochure, “Der letzte Kronzeuge Stauffenbergs: Carl Szokoll und die Zivilcourage.”


- Internet page,, Euromedia-Medal

- TV program ( „Cross Cultural Communication“, Euromedia-Seal

- series „Migration@EU - Migrationspolitik und Integration in der Europäischen Union“, Euromedia-Seal

- DVD „Im öffenlichen Raum / Islamischer Friedhof“, Euromedia-Seal

- „Erregerfrequenzen - Grenzüberschreitendes Festivalradio Südböhmen – böhmerwald.sumavske radio on 105.6 MHz“, Euromedia-Seal

- Internet pages ,, Euromedia-Seal

- Book „EU for You – So funktioniert die europäische Union“, Euromedia-Special Prize

- Internet projekt „Grundlagen der Kommunikation am Telefon“, EduMedia-Medal

- Internet projekt „Simulating IT Careers for Women (Sitcom)”, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Monument in Motion“ – San Pietro in Vaticano, Palazzo dei Conservatori, EduMedia-Seal


CY, Cyprus

- A common Greek and Turc TV program “Emeis , biz“, Euromedia-Medaille

- Documentary film ''Geschichte des Weins'', EduMedia-Seal


CZ, Czechia

- Documentary film “Babicka je Oma” (authentic story about a German from Sudetia about life in communist Czechoslovakia), Euromedia-Seal.

- CD-ROM “Understanding Media”, EduMedia-Medal,


CH, Switzerland

- Online-courses DirectPoint, EduMedia-Seal

- „CD-ROM „Profax Lerncenter Modul Mein Rechtschreib-Trainer Regeln“, EduMedia-Seal

- Chirugische Basiskompetenzen, Modul 1 – einfache Wundversorgung, EduMedia-Siegel


DE, Germany

- Internet project „Jüdisches Leben in Europa jenseits der Metropolen“, Euromedia-Medal

- DMP „Menschheitsprojekt Wasser“, Euromedia-Medal

- „Internetbasiertes Schulprojekt zur politischen Bildung Niederlande,“Euromedia-Seal

- Series (BR & ORF) „Donauklöster“, TV Documentry, Euromedia-Medal

- Documentary series „Jung und Moslem in Deutschland“, Euromedia-Seal

DVD „Reformation“
- DVDplus „Adrian will tanzen“, EduMedia-Medal

- DVD „Aufbau West. Neubeginn zwischen Vertreibung und Wirtschaftswunder“, EduMedia-Medal

- CD ROM „Erlebte Geschichte: Nationalsozialismus“, EduMedia-Medal

- Interne project “NetMan for Schools”, EduMedia-Medal

- Internet project „Basta – Nein zur Gewalt“, EduMedia-Seal

- Internet project „Konfliktmanagement: Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung und Umgang mit Konflikten in Teams und Organisationen“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Was arbeiten Sie?“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Rechtsextrem – zwischen Lifestyle und Gewalt“, EduMedia-Seal

- Internet projckt „Medi@Culture-Online“, EduMedia-Seal

- DMP „Sozialpolitik –Gerechtigkeit, Sicherheit, Verantwortung“, EduMedia-Seal

- DMP „Safety 1st - Soziale Sicherung und private Vorsorge“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Römer und Germanen – Konfrontation und Integration”, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Der Mauerbau im DDR-Unterricht“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Jakobswege, Wege der Jakobspilger im Rheinland – Eine interaktive Reise“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Islam – zwischen Tradition und Tabubruch“, EduMedia-Seal

- DMP „Frieden & Sicherheit“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVDplus „Jesus von Nazareth“, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Wer glaubt, der flieht nicht…Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945“, EduMedia-Seal

- CD-ROM „Imperialismus & Erster Weltkrieg“, EduMedia-Seal

- Series – Online Fachmodul Englisch: - „Youth“, - „A Global World“, EduMedia-Seal

- DMP “Corporate Language Training I CLT intensiv”, EduMedia-Seal

- DVD „Le petit gnome – Eine abenteuerliche Sprachreise durch Frankeich“, EduMedia-Seal

- Blended Learning Projekt “Schulleitung eine Aufgabe für mich?!”, EduMedia-Seal

- DVDplus „Quarks & Co: Volksdroge Alkohol“, EduMedia-Seal


GR, Greece

- Documentry film „Wie heute, im 20. Jahrhundert“, (anniversaries as senn by film), Euromedia-Seal

- CD-ROM „Seismopolis – Wenn die Erde bebt“, Seismopolis – Leben mit dem Erdbeben“, EduMedia-Medal


HU, Hungary

- Internet project „Private History – 1956 and the Kádár-period“, Euromedia-Medal

- LLMS “Polyglot Knowledge Bases and European Multicultural Forum“ (Open EuroContent Project), Euromedia-Seal

- CD-ROM „Dance Tradition of the Hungarian Folk / Volkstanztraditionen der Ungarn“, Euromedia-Seal

- Multimedia project „Net English“, EduMedia-Medal

- Multimedia project “ (electronic business relations in the framework of transnational enterprise networks as a contribution to further education in professional training, technical progress and employment), EduMedia-Seal

- LLMS „GDF ILIAS, Hungarian Adaptation of a Web Based L(C)MS with Users' Manual Guide and Learning Modules “, EduMedia-Special Prize

- LLMS „WBT World – Wide Open Resource for Learning and Development”, EduMedia-Special Prize


KR, Croatien

- TV documentry EuroMagazin, Euromedia-Seal


NL, The Netherlands

- Creative Learning Projects: - “Frequency 1550“, - “Digital Strorytelling“, - ScratchWorx“, - „Animation Machine“, - „Nine(9)“, - „Storytellimg Table“, Euromedia-Special Prize

- Multimedia product  “Frequency 1550“, EduMedia-Medal


SI, Slovenia



- E-learning platform, EduMedia-Seal

- World history (, EduMedia-Special Prize


SK, Slovakia

- Dokumentary film „Iné Svety“ (Other Worlds), Euromedia-Seal