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EU-Media/EDUMEDIA 2006-2007

EDUMEDIA- how to spread and enhance European values and objectives by means of multimedia support (multimedia contests, workshops, databanks)

Project information

Agreement no 2006-0734/001 – 001 AFE-AFEINT
Duration: 15 of June 2005 – 31st of July 2007
Countries: DE (coordinator), AT, CY, CZ, GR, HU, NL, SI

The project EDUMEDIA aimed at promoting European values and objectives by means of multimedia. In order to achieve this its strategy  focused on promoting the development and distribution of high quality didactical multimedia products in the participating and further European countries.

The project docused on multimedia products which would

- incite European citizens to enter into a dialogue and reflect on the ethical and intellectual values of the process of European union,

- explain the connections between ethics and politics and incite the citizens to actively support European civil society,

- foster the development of a European identity based on cultural and historical diversity, to respect it and support its common future development,

- to support the active participation of all those citizens of the new member states of the EU which only recently joined the community,

The multimedia products have been selected in the course of two European Multimedia contests in 2006 and 2007, have been evaluated in European Mulitmedia workshops and documented and distributed by means of a European Multimedia Databank as well as by means of the Internet. 
The projects addressed all those who are interested in multimedia and European values as well as all those who might be interested in Europe.

The project directly aimed at the following target groups:

- all those who conceive, produce and distribute multimedia products,

- all those who teach in further education and who include and use multimedia products in order to enhance European values in the course of their trainings.

The project indirectly addressed adults and juveniles who are interested in European values or should be incited to apply European values and become acquainted with an active European citizenship.

The goals and results of the project have been fully achieved. The two EDUMEDIA- award events in Vienna in 2006 and in Berlin in 2007 were organized as information events dealing with exemplary multimedia products on Europe. Each event had abaout 250 participants.

The participating countries in 2006 were Germany, Greece, Croatia, Moldavia, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Cyprus.

169 Comenius-EduMedia-Awards and Erasmus-EuroMedia-Awards could be granted in 2006 on multi media products concerning education and culture.

In 2006 Erasmus-EuroMedia-Awards on Euro-political affairs could be granted to institutions from 10 countires.

About 170 institutions applied fort he popular European multi media awards in 2007. The participating countries in 2007 were Germany, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Czechia, Hungary. 140 applicants received a Comenius-EduMedia-Awards of the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information in 2007.

From the participating countries more than 100 experts, media designers, media producers, media scientists and teachers in adult education participated in the workshops.

In the Eurorpean multimedia databank „EU-Media“, exemplary mulitmedia products which had been chosen in the course of European mulitmedia contests, were documented and distributed in order to enhance European values and goals.

Mulitmedia-databank „EU-Media“

The project „EDUMEDIA- how to spread and enhance European values and objectives by means of multimedia support (multimedia contests, workshops, databanks)“ has been financed by the European Commission in the framework of the following agreement; measures to support civil society.

The publications of the project solely reflect the opinion of the authors and the Commission is not responsible for the usage made of the information of the project.



Project partners and their role in the project